
Corpus Domini 2023

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A reflection by Sr. Charlene Makuzha CJ – Zimbabwe Region

Corpus Domini is for me a unique Solemnity on which we contemplate one of the greatest mysteries in the life of Christ. It is fixated on the symbols of Christ’s unfathomable love which He veiled in the species of bread and wine that are transubstantiated into His Most Holy Body and Blood during consecration.

This great mystery of love in action is a sacrament. I see in it Christ’s immense and unconditional love for humanity, and especially myself cognisant of my unworthiness. Greater love hearth no man than this, Christ not only became human but so loved humanity that He gave us His body and blood as a memorial of Him, for our own edification and spiritual nourishment.

The processions held on this day, for me, mean Christ is there to sanctify ALL, all the people, and the creation at large. The public exposition has great significance and shows how universal Christ’s love is. It is a symbol of the redemptive power of our Lord and Savior.

Christ loved me so much that He gave me something to hold on to, not a mere and vain sign, but His real body and blood, the very gift of himself which he continuously offers to all of us each time we have a Eucharistic celebration.

In the sacrament of the Eucharist, I remember how Christ suffered and gave his life for me. He suffered for my salvation. The great Solemnity of the sacrament of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ then becomes a Solemnity I ought to live and not a once-off celebration.

In the act of receiving the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, there is an untold spiritual intimacy as Christ becomes alive in me when I receive Him. It’s a striking thing for me to contemplate the reverence with which I and others receive Him, physically on our tongues, and yet something deeper happens in the unseen.

Lastly, it reminds me of my obligation toward my brothers and sisters. I am challenged to give my life for the benefit of others.  As a religious woman consecrated to Christ, I feel my vocation demands that I be other-centred regardless of the challenges and pain I experience in doing so.

Sr Charlene Makuzha CJ
Zimbabwe Region
Carla Bellone