Seeking confirmation …
‘…now to my coming to you, having begun with his holiness and that he should stir in the matter, and I absent things would not so well, besides if that should be, [if the Pope were to act quickly] I should be forced of necessity to return presently [immediately] back to Rome, and so that charges lost [ the money spent on the journey to Naples to see Win would be wasted]; therefore till he be returned, (which will be some 8 days hence) and that I see what he will do in the business, I cannot determine certainly whether, or when to come towards you. ..
Mary Ward’s Letter to Winefrid Wigmore, Rome, October 27th 1624
Soli: [in confidence] I think dear child the trouble and long loneliness you heard me speak of is not far from [away], which whensoever it is, happy success will follow; you are the first I have uttered this conceit [idea]so plainly to, pray for me and the work. It grieves me I cannot have you also with me to help to bear a part, but a part you will, and shall bear howsoever [in whatever way it happens].”