Pray with us for the cause of our foundress, the venerable Mary Ward: Prayer on behalf of Mary Ward’s cause
23 with Mary Ward

Pray with us for the cause of our foundress, the venerable Mary Ward: Prayer on behalf of Mary Ward’s cause
Ignatius 500 is the Ignatian Year that th Jesuits and the whole ignatian family celebrate to commemorate the 500th anniversary of an experience that transformed Ignatius of Loyola forever, and gave rise to a spirituality that has facilitated the encounter with God for many people from generation to generation. It is more than a commemoration.
Congregatio Jesu and IBVM are on the way to a union of these two branches of Mary Wards institute. Sisters all over the world are getting to know each other and are creating bonds between them. Together with the IBVM, we have set up a special website dedicated to this process. There, you can learn
On 1 May 2021, Sr Shweta Kalapurackel CJ will begin her mission as the new Provincial of the Allahabad Province as Sr Roshni Cheenkallel CJ finishes her term of office. She served the Province for 6 years. We thank Sr Roshni for all she has done for the Province during her term of office. We