Advent in Vicenza

On Saturday evening, we started Advent in our parish of San Marco in Vicenza with a Latin American group with whom I meet every month for the celebration of Mass. They are some of the many people who come from different countries in Latin America and who have been living with us for several years.

23rd with Mary Ward: November 2021

On every 23rd of each month, we pray for the cause of our foundress Mary Ward. Pray diligently for your deceased friends, because true friendship is recognised in need. Betet fleißig für die verstorbenen Freunde, denn wahre Freundschaft erkennt man in der Not. Reza con diligencia por tus amigos/as fallecidos/as, porque la verdadera amistad se

Mary Ward in Osgodby

Osgodby is the village about 14 miles away from York, where Mary Ward spent six formative years of her life, aged 15-21, with the Babthorpe family, relatives on her mother’s side. It was a deeply Catholic household, in which Mary’s personal faith, spirituality and sense of vocation developed greatly. Some years ago a group from