Our Lady of Lourdes

En ocasión de la fiesta de Pentecostés, pedimos a las hermanas de la Provincia de Corea que nos enviaran una breve reflexión personal sobre el tema “¿Qué es Pentecostés para mí?” Nos alegramos de compartir con ustedes el material recibido y expresamos nuestro agradecimiento a la Hna. Anna por su contribucione a la reflexión para
Last day in Spain: a big THANK YOU to all the sisters we have met. A very special thanks to Pilar !!!!! Here are some photos of the communities in San Sebastian.
Today we celebrate the 23rd with Mary Ward, a day dedicated to pray for the Beatification of our foundress Mary Ward. Please join us: you can download the prayer here “Venerable Mary Ward, pray for us and give us your spirt!”
A final reflection From all that we have considered of Mary Ward’s life, we can see that ‘resurrection moments’ are more than simply the gift of joy in the Lord after times of difficulty – though, as in his own story, risen life comes after suffering. For him, death and resurrection at the first Easter
Sr. Anna Quinterio and Sr. Helena Kang meeting with the community in Badalona.
From May 21 to 28 a new edition of “Laudato Si’ Week” will be held to celebrate the eighth anniversary of the publication of the encyclical Laudato Si’ . The theme choosen for this year is “Hope for the Earth. Hope for humanity”. Our joint Mary Ward JPIC office has produced a reflection for this
Towards the resurrection of the Institute Paradoxically, Mary Ward’s greatest contribution to the survival of her work was probably her obedient acceptance of its destruction. After Urban VIII’s Bull of 1631, it was ‘suppressed, extinct, rooted out, destroyed and abolished’; she herself was under the authority of the Roman Inquisition for the rest of her
May will be a month of travelling time for the leadership team. Sr. Veronica and Sr. Pratima will be busy until the end of May in Zimbabwe for the visitation of te Region in view of the appointment of the new Regional Superior. Sr. Estela accompanied by Sr. Frantiska will visit the Middle European Province
May is the month dedicated to Our Lady. We have decided to post, starting from today and for the coming weeks, some images of the Virgin Mary, Mother of God, to accompany us in prayer.
First night in the Anger Convent in Munich Early in February 1631 Mary Ward was arrested by Jakob Golla, Dean of Munich, as instructed by the Roman authorities, and taken to the Poor Clare convent, the Angerkloster (‘the convent on the green’) as a prisoner. She was sick, she was exhausted. We know what happened
The Himalayan Echo Here is the newsletter that the sisters of Nepal shared to tell us what happened in their Region in the last two months. Enjoy the reading!
The Journey to Munich, 1626-27 The picture shows a dark scene – and indeed Mary Ward has left Rome at a time of discouragement, even failure. She has spent five fruitless years trying to find acceptance from the Roman authorities and after the closure of her three schools in Italy she has left Rome, convinced