On March 11, the Hungarian CJ Community in Veszprém received an award for its past and present services in the city. The name of the award is “Pro Urbe”. The mayor writes in his congraturaly letter: “The city assembly was awarded the Order of CJ/Englischen Fräulein in recognition of her outstanding, successful work for the youth
Month: March 2022
A call to conversion of hearts
On 24th March, the Worldwide Mary Ward family met on zoom to participate in a webinar on the topic ”A call to the conversion of hearts for creating a safe environment for children and vulnerable adults.” The resource person was none other than Fr. Hans Zollner a German Jesuit priest, theologian and psychologist, professor at
Do good and do it well
Another sunday with words of Mary Wards …
News from Kyiv
Sr. Agnesa Jenčíková, Superior of the Slovak Province sent us an email in which she updates us on the situation of our sisters who are in Kyiv and who are directly involved with their mission in a conflict that has been causing death and destruction for a month now. We continue to pray for our
23rd with Mary Ward
On the 23rd of every month, the Mary Ward family unites to pray for the cause of our foundress, the venerable Mary Ward. Pray with us!
On Sunday 20 March, the first of three conversations circles involving all the members of GC 2021-22 was held, with the aim of reconnecting the delegates and the whole body of the CJ to the General Congregation in view of Part 2, which will take place from late August to early September this year. Despite
Words of Mary Ward
As the participants of our General Congregation 2021-22 gather for an online meeting, we hear words of our foundress, the venerable Mary Ward, about God and time:
Update from Ukraine
We would like to share with you all another communication from our sisters in Ukraine, with the accompanying pictures. Once again we commend them and their fellow countrymen and women to your prayers. Mary Ward pray for them and give them your spirit! Dear sisters and dear friends in the Lord The war is unfortunately
Sunflowers from Australia in solidarity with our Sisters in Ukraine
Mary Ward students across Australia have been very mindful of, and worried about, about our friends in Ukraine and surrounding countries. At Loreto College Marryatville in Adelaide, South Australia, students joined Pope Francis’ call for special prayers on Ash Wednesday and Year 3s produced beautiful sunflowers in solidarity with our Mary Ward Sisters in Ukraine
From Cambridge to Ukraine
The community in Cambridge with all that they could fit in the car for Ukraine – bedlinen, cutlery, sanitary and medical supplies and food. All that they collected was taken to a depot in Cambridge and added to the contents of a lorry going to Ukraine with relief supplies for the people there.
Mary Ward on gratitude
In times like these, gratitude may not be the first thing we think about while praying. It is still necessary, as Mary Ward teaches us.
News from Uzghorod – Slovak Province
We are very happy to share with you this e-mail and the accompanying photos from our sisters in Uzhgorod and Seredne in western Ukraine, who are now welcoming their fellow countrymen and women fleeing from the war. We know that, like us, you are keeping them, our sisters in Kyiv and all the people in
Launch of the book “Towards a politics of Communion: Catholic Social Teaching in Dark Times” by Professor Anna Rowlands
Two sisters of the Congregation of Jesus were invited to take part in this event on 7th of March 2022 in the English Embassy to the Holy See, because Professor Anna Rowlands dedicated her book to Pat Robb CJ, a member of the English Province, who worked for years in Africa to help people in
Eucharist with Pope Francis
On 12 March the Society of Jesus celebrates the 400th anniversary of the canonisations of Ignatius Loyola and Francis Xavier. They were canonised alongside Teresa of Avila, Isidore Labrador (“Isidore the Farmer”) and Philip Neri. We would like to invite you to join this important event not only because of the deep connection of both
Aid of the Middle European Province for Ukraine and Refugees
The Sisters of the Central European Province are supporting aid for Ukraine with a generous donation and personal commitment. “We are making a monetary donation to the German “Action Alliance for Disaster Relief”, of which Caritas International is a member,” says Sr Cosima Kiesner CJ, Provincial Superior of the Middle European Province. “But we are
CJ, IBVM and the synod 2021-2023
Dear friends in the Lord, Warm greetings from Rome. We are writing to you as representatives of our Institutes for the synodal process of the Church. Four months after the opening of this synodal process, we notice that there is movement in our Church and that we are seeing the seeds of something new sprouting.
Mary Ward’s wisdom
as we start into lent, we continue our series with word of our foundress, the venerable Mary Ward. We ask her: Mary Ward, pray for us and for all those who suffer from illness and war, and give us your spirit. Amen.
Which way, Lord?
A workshop on Discernment in our daily lives. Following on from the work of the Ambassadors in the Susanna Rookwood family, a small group of spiritual directors in Europe meet regularly to share our experiences, and for some prayer and support. From this group, four of us are organising an afternoon workshop on Discernment. We
Hundreds of York school students form a chain of peace for Ukraine across the city
Here is a video of All Saints School yesterday as they formed a prayer chain from The Bar Convent Chapel to the Minster yesterday morning. Just scroll down the page and you will get to the place for the video. It was a huge enterprise which was organised in 2 days. We had the prayers